
InvasiBES: A partner project also funded by BiodivERsA and the Belmont Forum, investigating the impact of alien species.

GloNAF: GloNAF (Global Naturalized Alien Flora) is a living database project about alien plant species and became a synonym for many related projects dealing with all kinds of scientific and policy relevant questions and studies about alien species (also other taxa) and related data.

AlienCSI: COST Action CA17122 is a research network funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). The Action will address multidisciplinary research questions in relation to developing and implementing Citizen Science; advancing scientific understanding of Alien Species dynamics while informing decision-making, specifically implementation of technical requirements of relevant legislation such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species.

IUCN/SSC ISSG: The Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) is a global network of scientific and policy experts on invasive species, organized under the auspices of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Webinar Talk: Núria Roura Pascual - Alternative futures for global biological invasions.

Scenario analysis has emerged as a key tool to analyze complex and uncertain future ecological developments. However, global scenarios have neglected biological invasions, and their interactions with socio-economic and environmental developments. We used a multidisciplinary participatory process to develop new global biological invasion scenarios (narratives of how the world may develop) spanning a wide breadth of plausible global futures through 2050. We identified drivers expected to influence invasions, organized them into political, socio-economic, cultural, technological, and ecological categories. We adapted the widely-used “two axes” scenario analysis approach to develop four families of four scenarios each, resulting in 16 scenarios. Our scenarios underscored that information related to socio-economic developments and sustainability policies and lifestyle could play a crucial role in shaping biological invasions, along with well-known ecological drivers of biological invasions, such as climate change and human footprint. Our scenarios align fairly well with existing environmental scenarios and the recently development shared socio-economic pathways, although we explored a series of futures underrepresented from existing climate-oriented scenario narratives. These constructs are crucial to facilitate the incorporation of biological invasions within global environmental assessments.

Publication: Roura-Pascual N, Leung B, Rabitsch W, Rutting L, Vervoort J, Bacher S, Dullinger S, Erb K-H, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Lenzner B, Liebhold AM, Obersteiner M, Pauchard A, Peterson GD, Roy HE, Seebens H, Winter M, Burgman MA, Genovesi P, Hulme PE, Keller RP, Latombe G, McGeoch MA, Ruiz GM, Scalera R, Springborn MR, von Holle B, Essl F (bioRxiv) Alternative futures for biological invasions. Sustainability Science.